So far 5th grade has been great. I’ve been looking forward to be in 5th grade since I was in 1st grade because of my brother Tysen. This year I am going to try to get all a’s on my report card.On my conduct I am going to try to keep it above a 90.All of the 5th grade teachers are all amazing such as Mr.Mac he is always making us laugh, Mrs. Ummel lets us talk most of the time, Mrs.Brantley lets us sit on the spikey wiggle seats, Mrs. Owens lets us talk sometimes to and, Mrs. Mcfalls class we’re always on the computer. My favorite subjects are math,science and history.In 5th grade I can’t wait to for the year to be great! This year I will be trying to get a higher reading level. This year in history we will be learning about maps and we haven’t in any year before this one. In science we will actually be able to do science.In Mrs.Brantleys and Mrs. Ummels class we will learn how to multiply decimals.