An Unusual Discovery has been Made

An unusual discovery has been made at an abandoned school. Me(Lexci/vcs),Cloe(vcm),Kate,Layne,Addi.Neared Guy(Colton),Weird Kid(Travis),and Mean Tysen were at the school while the discovery was made.! It was a full moon outside. We were the only people in the school…or so we thought!! Everybody looked at each other worriedly because we heard something fall upstairs. “That sounded like a glass beaker break in the science lab.” Said Neared Guy. Everybody followed mean Tysen up stairs to look around. We saw shadows, but nobody!. We kept looking,then Kate noticed that weird kid was missing.!! We all, except for weird kid were huddling together because we were scared! We looked everywhere, but couldn’t find weird kid. THen Mean Tysen went missing. We heard another sound in the science lab. We all were scared because a vampire was chasing us! Then one by one everybody went missing except me,Cloe and Layne because we were hiding  in the lockers!

Life In 5th Grade

So far 5th grade has been great. I’ve been looking forward to be in 5th grade since I was in 1st grade because of my brother Tysen. This year I am going to try to get all a’s on my report card.On my conduct I am going to try to keep it above a 90.All of the 5th grade teachers are all amazing such as Mr.Mac he is always making us laugh, Mrs. Ummel lets us talk most of the time, Mrs.Brantley lets us sit on the spikey wiggle seats, Mrs. Owens lets us talk sometimes to and, Mrs. Mcfalls class we’re always on the computer. My favorite  subjects are math,science and history.In 5th grade I can’t wait to for the year to be great! This year I will be trying to get a higher reading level. This year in history we will be learning about maps and we haven’t in any year before this one. In science we will actually be able to do science.In Mrs.Brantleys and Mrs. Ummels class we will learn how to multiply decimals.

Texas Paintbrush

Texas Paintbrush creates ribbons of colors for miles along Texas highways in the spring.this flower does not transplant very well, and requiers a period of time to get established. The Texas paintbrush is a beautiful colored flower that grows on the side of Texas highways,and this flower stands out because of it’s brightness.

My Hobby

I have a lot of hobbies like climbing trees,hiking,ridding horses,and doing gymnastics,but my favorite hobby is cooking.whenever you’re cooking you’re going to taste the food to make sure it is good and cooked all the is important to me because i like how it taste,and feels you up.If you’re going to cook you’re going to use something to heat up the food with, like an oven,stove and microwave. another reason I like cooking is because you concentrate on what you’re doing.I will sometimes help my dad cook dinner when i’m at his house because,I just  love to cook on the hot stove. while you’re cooking you’re going to use certain to cook with, such as a spatula drainer,pot, pan,fryer,toaster,big spoon,potato masher,and a whisk I hope you will your favorite hobby one day!!!

2D Design

I made a person out of 2 hexagons, 1 square, 5 rombuses, 2 triangles, 2 trapozids.